gambar highlights ehsan drpd ESPN
riaksi setelah menjaringkan gol yg ke seratus brgkali dlm setiap perlawanan
"ade air bang!!!!!!!!"
"ehm takpe larh!!"
"untunglarrr...depa menang"
"saye sbnarnye x berniat utk main ayam d kotak penalti pihak lawan,ttpi dsbbkn arahan kapten,saye kne bwat begitu"
sejurus slps perlwnan hbis,smbil dtenangkan oleh kapten pasukan XD.
12 teams among 3 mahallah,1 team from MRC and 1 team from RMDD staff take a challenge from the organizer to compete themselves to get the UMAIF Futsal Cup that have been organized annually.Actually,we planned to organized the tournament in the new futsal court,however we have to do it in the 'stadium' because we got the instruction from SAD(Student Activities Department) according to court problem.
From the first sight the organizer felt the team from RMDD staff was kinda strong enough to win but the age factor (maybe...hahah), they didn't manage to win this competition. Yes..obviously, the experience is not the only ticket to win this competition.Sorry sir for the sarcasm statement :)...but as a organizer felt very proud to RMDD staff teams with their spirit to joined this programme although they also have another commitment in the Mahallah Open Day,CONGRATULATION sir. =)
Anyway congratulation also to the participant who are willingly to woke up early to joinned this programme.
hadiah pertame
hadiah kedua
hadiah ketiga
piala pusingan,tahniah
Oopps..for the final games,teams from the mahallah ukc,Baihaqi FC were crowned to be in the first place....
ukhuwahfillah abadan-abada....wallahualam
wah!! dah sebulan lebih rupanya game ni. anyway, congrats mrc umaif for organizing this event.
p/s: we hope that we can together improve our english in our next post. insyaAllah.. =)