Archive for July 2011

Ramadhanu Kareem.


Blessings of the month of Ramadhanul Mubarak

Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam. The word "Sawm " (meaning to stop or abstain) is used in Arabic for fasting. A fast then means that one refrains from eating, drinking and other physical things (all those things that are otherwise allowed) from dawn to sunset. This month comes every year to spread the blessings and mercy of Allah. We are thankful to Allah for providing physical forms of divine worship such as prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage to improve our moral and spiritual condition.

Welcoming the Month of Ramadhan: The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said: "The month of Ramadhan comes to you. This is a blessed month" (Kitab-ul-Saum). The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has declared this month as the "month of Allah" because one abandons all otherwise "lawful" things in the way of Allah. He has also declared this month as the "Chief of the months." Worship during this month gains more blessings so one should fast with sincere intentions and worship should be performed to win Allah's pleasure.

Ramadhan - Anniversary of the Holy Quran: Ramadhan is that blessed month in which the Holy Quran was first revealed to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). In this regard this month celebrates the birthday of the Holy Quran. To render our dues we should recite the Holy Quran as much as possible. During this month, at night, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) use to recite the Holy Quran in its entirety with the Angel Gabriel (Jibraeel).

Opening the doors to heaven: Hazrat Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) has narrated that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "When the month of Ramadhan starts, the doors of heaven are opened, the doors of the hell are closed, and Satan is put into chains" (Sahih Muslim Kitab-ulSaum). In this saying the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has promised a high place in heaven for one who observess the fast because a believer is enjoined to perform such deeds that please Allah and stay away from bad things.

Ramadhan's Special relationship with Tahajjud Prayers: Hazrat Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "A person who gets up at night for Prayer and fulfills all requirements of his faith with an intention of receiving blessing during the Month of Ramadhan, is forgiven all his past sins."

Charity during Ramadhan: Ibn Abbas relates that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, was the most generous of men and he was at his most bountiful during Ramadhan when Gabriel visited him every night and recited the Quran to him. During this period the bounty of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, waxed faster than the rain-bearing breeze (Bokhari and Muslim).

Prayers: Allah forgives all previous sins of a person who sincerely worships Allah during the month of Ramadhan. During this month Allah's mercy and blessings are at their peak. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said that during Ramadhan: "Allah says: 'Is there anyone who calls on me so that I can accept his prayers? Is there anyone who asks for anything so that I can fulfill his desires? Is there anyone who asks for forgiveness so that I can forgive" (Sahih Bukhafi - Kitab-ul-Tauheed).

Last Ten days of Ramadhan: Hazrat Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that, during the month of Ramadhan, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to develop a new vigor, staying awake alI night and also waking members of his family for worship" (Sahih Bukhail, Kitab-ul-Saum). During the month of Ramadhan worship reaches its peak in the form of I'tikaaf (retirement for Allah's worship). The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to retire to the Mosque in the last ten days of the Ramadhan. He would go to a corner in the Masjid-e-Nabwee (Prophet's Mosque) to worship Allah in seclusion.

Ramadhan and Lailatul Qadr (Night of Decree): Hazrat Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: "O Allah's Prophet, if I know which night is the Lailatul Qadr then what should I pray? He replied: 'you should pray: 'O Allah, you are very forgiving and love those who forgive others. So bestow your blessings on me and forgive me"' (Jamiah Tirmidhi, Kitab-Al-Dawat). Lailatul Qadr is such a night that the Holy Quran has declared it to be better than a thousand months. May Allah enable us to be the recipients of Lailatul Qadr that we truly benefit from the coming month of Ramadhan. May Allah accept our prayers. Ameen.

gathering MRC UMAIF and hisbah line up


talk by Bro Taifunisyam
Bro Che Abd Rahman give opening words

in 30 june 2011, MRC UMAIF has done the first activity which is the gathering between hisbah line up and mrc umaif will our principle, Bro Taifunisyam Taib..
all hisbah in mahallah aisyah, umar al khattab and fatimah az zahrah send their representative which is the president, vice-president and also the secretary..
during this meeting, there are several topics that we discuss between each others about proposal for hisbah activity, and brief them about how to channel their proposal to RMDD department in CFSIIUM..
this gathering take place in AX102 which start at 9 pm and end at 10.30 pm..

memakai cincin mengikut sunnah


Sekarang ni ramai yang pakai cincin....tapi ikut suka dia je..

sunnah nabi jarang nak ikut ..

Dikatakan bahawa menyimpan sebatang jari kuku yang panjang,
dosanya sama seperti memelihara sekandang babi !!!! ..oppss
khinzir lembut sikit , jika kesemua jejari kita menyimpan kuku
yang panjang.... bayangkanlah dosa yang telah kita tanggung untuk
kesemua babi-babi tersebut..... potonglah kuku anda.

The Truth

Jangan ada niat simpan kuku panjang , walaupun hanya 1 mm atau pun
hanya jari kelingking. Bagi orang Islam adalah tidak sesuai
berkuku panjang atas apa alasan sekalipun kerana ia tidak
membayangkan kesucian dan ia juga bukan budaya kita apatah lagi
menggunakan tangan untuk beristinjak.

Orang Melayu yang berkuku panjang biasanya mempunyai anak yang
bodoh atau pun degil dan suka buat onar sebab diberi makan bahan
kotor yang berada di kuku jari emaknya semasa menyediakan makanan
seperti memerah santan kelapa, buat cokodok pisang, uli tepong,
dll. Apa ilmu pun yang di ajar pun tak akan boleh diterima masuk
ke dalam kepala.


Untuk yang bujang beringat lah. Kalau hendak cari pasangan dan
mahu anak yang pandai dan mendengar kata pilihlah wanita atau
lelaki yang sentiasa berkuku pendek. Insya-Allah.

Additional info

Kuku panjang mempunyai sejenis kuman seperti yang terdapat dalam
najis manusia, iaitu E-Coli. Kuman tersebut tidak akan hilang
walaupun kita mencuci tangan dengan sabun. Oleh itu, sentiasalah
berkuku pendek untuk kesihatan dan kebersihan diri sendiri. Ini
tak termasuk korek taik hidung, telinga dan sewaktu dengannya..

Nasihat Nabi Muhammad Saw. kepada Saidina Ali kwj. sesudah
bernikah dengan Siti Fatimah iaitu anakanda kesayangan , Nabi
Muhammad Saw. berpesan kepada Saidina Ali iaitu kalau memakai
cincin pakailah di jari

1] jari manis
2] jari kelingking (anak jari)

dan jangan memakai pada jari
1] jari tengah
2] jari telunjuk

Nabi Muhammad saw. melarang kerana memakai cincin pada jari
telunjuk dan jari tengah adalah meniru cara berhias kaum yang
dilaknat oleh Allah iaitu kaum yang derhaka di zaman Nabi Lut a.s.


Cara memakai cincin adalah termasuk lelaki atau pun perempuan.

p/s: saudara dan saudari, sila nasihatkan kawan-kawan dan juga saudara-mara ataupun anak-anak tentang kaedah yang betul untuk berhias di dalam syariat Islam, kalau tidak sia-sia saja kita mendapat laknat dari Allah Swt. Nabi saw. memakai cincin dan kalau kita memakai cincin dengan niat mengikut sunnah Nabi saw. senang je kita dapat pahala.


((Adapun tentang jari mana yang hendak didahulukan ketika memotong kuku, al-Imam Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani (10/345) menyebut:

لم يثبت في ترتيب الأصابع عند القص شيء من الأحاديث .... وقد أنكر ابن دقيق العيد الهيئة التي ذكرها الغزالي ومن تبعه وقال : كل ذلك لا أصل له ، وإحداث استحباب لا دليل عليه ، وهو قبيح عندي بالعالم ، ولو تخيل متخيل أن البداءة بمسبحة اليمنى من أجل شرفها فبقية الهيئة لا يتخيل فيه ذلك . نعم ، البداءة بيمنى اليدين ويمنى الرجلين له أصل وهو (كان يعجبه التيامن)

Maksudnya: "Tidak thabit dalam tertib jari-jari ketika memotong kuku sesuatu hadithpun... Ibn Daqiq al-'Ied telah mengingkari bentuk (memotong kuku) yang telah disebut oleh al-Ghazali dan orang yang mengikutnya, dengan berkata: "Semua cara-cara itu tidak ada asalnya, dan untuk mengatakan ia suatu yang digalakkan, ianya suatu yang tidak ada dalilnya, ia merupakan suatu yang tercela di sisiku, sekiranya seseorang menggambarkan, cara memotong kuku dimulakan dengan jari telunjuk tangan kanan disebabkan kemuliaannya, maka jari-jari yang lain, dia tidak akan dapat menentukannya dengan cara itu. Ya! memulakan dengan yang kanan samaada tangan ataupun kaki itu ada asalnya, kerana Nabi S.A.W. suka memulakan sesuatu dengan sebelah kanan."))

wallahu a'lam.

mission and vision of iium


Towards actualising the University's vision, IIUM endeavours to:
  • Undertake the special and greatly needed task of reforming the contemporary Muslim mentality and integrating Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences in a positive manner.

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